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<member name="T:WindowsInput.IInputSimulator">
The contract for a service that simulates Keyboard and Mouse input and Hardware Input Device state detection for the Windows Platform.
<member name="P:WindowsInput.IInputSimulator.Keyboard">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance for simulating Keyboard input.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance.</value>
<member name="P:WindowsInput.IInputSimulator.Mouse">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance for simulating Mouse input.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance.</value>
<member name="P:WindowsInput.IInputSimulator.InputDeviceState">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor"/> instance for determining the state of the various input devices.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor"/> instance.</value>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator">
The service contract for a mouse simulator for the Windows platform.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.MoveMouseBy(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Simulates mouse movement by the specified distance measured as a delta from the current mouse location in pixels.
<param name="pixelDeltaX">The distance in pixels to move the mouse horizontally.</param>
<param name="pixelDeltaY">The distance in pixels to move the mouse vertically.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.MoveMouseTo(System.Double,System.Double)">
Simulates mouse movement to the specified location on the primary display device.
<param name="absoluteX">The destination's absolute X-coordinate on the primary display device where 0 is the extreme left hand side of the display device and 65535 is the extreme right hand side of the display device.</param>
<param name="absoluteY">The destination's absolute Y-coordinate on the primary display device where 0 is the top of the display device and 65535 is the bottom of the display device.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.MoveMouseToPositionOnVirtualDesktop(System.Double,System.Double)">
Simulates mouse movement to the specified location on the Virtual Desktop which includes all active displays.
<param name="absoluteX">The destination's absolute X-coordinate on the virtual desktop where 0 is the left hand side of the virtual desktop and 65535 is the extreme right hand side of the virtual desktop.</param>
<param name="absoluteY">The destination's absolute Y-coordinate on the virtual desktop where 0 is the top of the virtual desktop and 65535 is the bottom of the virtual desktop.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.LeftButtonDown">
Simulates a mouse left button down gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.LeftButtonUp">
Simulates a mouse left button up gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.LeftButtonClick">
Simulates a mouse left button click gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.LeftButtonDoubleClick">
Simulates a mouse left button double-click gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.RightButtonDown">
Simulates a mouse right button down gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.RightButtonUp">
Simulates a mouse right button up gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.RightButtonClick">
Simulates a mouse right button click gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.RightButtonDoubleClick">
Simulates a mouse right button double-click gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.XButtonDown(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse X button down gesture.
<param name="buttonId">The button id.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.XButtonUp(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse X button up gesture.
<param name="buttonId">The button id.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.XButtonClick(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse X button click gesture.
<param name="buttonId">The button id.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.XButtonDoubleClick(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse X button double-click gesture.
<param name="buttonId">The button id.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.VerticalScroll(System.Int32)">
Simulates mouse vertical wheel scroll gesture.
<param name="scrollAmountInClicks">The amount to scroll in clicks. A positive value indicates that the wheel was rotated forward, away from the user; a negative value indicates that the wheel was rotated backward, toward the user.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.HorizontalScroll(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse horizontal wheel scroll gesture. Supported by Windows Vista and later.
<param name="scrollAmountInClicks">The amount to scroll in clicks. A positive value indicates that the wheel was rotated to the right; a negative value indicates that the wheel was rotated to the left.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.Sleep(System.Int32)">
Sleeps the executing thread to create a pause between simulated inputs.
<param name="millsecondsTimeout">The number of milliseconds to wait.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.Sleep(System.TimeSpan)">
Sleeps the executing thread to create a pause between simulated inputs.
<param name="timeout">The time to wait.</param>
<member name="P:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator.Keyboard">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance for simulating Keyboard input.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance.</value>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.InputSimulator">
Implements the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputSimulator"/> interface to simulate Keyboard and Mouse input and provide the state of those input devices.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.InputSimulator._keyboardSimulator">
The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance to use for simulating keyboard input.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.InputSimulator._mouseSimulator">
The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance to use for simulating mouse input.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.InputSimulator._inputDeviceState">
The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor"/> instance to use for interpreting the state of the input devices.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputSimulator.#ctor(WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator,WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator,WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputSimulator"/> class using the specified <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/>, <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> and <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor"/> instances.
<param name="keyboardSimulator">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance to use for simulating keyboard input.</param>
<param name="mouseSimulator">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance to use for simulating mouse input.</param>
<param name="inputDeviceStateAdaptor">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor"/> instance to use for interpreting the state of input devices.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputSimulator.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputSimulator"/> class using the default <see cref="T:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator"/>, <see cref="T:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator"/> and <see cref="T:WindowsInput.WindowsInputDeviceStateAdaptor"/> instances.
<member name="P:WindowsInput.InputSimulator.Keyboard">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance for simulating Keyboard input.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance.</value>
<member name="P:WindowsInput.InputSimulator.Mouse">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance for simulating Mouse input.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance.</value>
<member name="P:WindowsInput.InputSimulator.InputDeviceState">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor"/> instance for determining the state of the various input devices.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor"/> instance.</value>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.MouseButton">
The mouse button
<member name="F:WindowsInput.MouseButton.LeftButton">
Left mouse button
<member name="F:WindowsInput.MouseButton.MiddleButton">
Middle mouse button
<member name="F:WindowsInput.MouseButton.RightButton">
Right moust button
<member name="T:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator">
Implements the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> interface by calling the an <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> to simulate Mouse gestures.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator._messageDispatcher">
The instance of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> to use for dispatching <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.#ctor(WindowsInput.IInputSimulator)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator"/> class using an instance of a <see cref="T:WindowsInput.WindowsInputMessageDispatcher"/> for dispatching <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<param name="inputSimulator">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputSimulator"/> that owns this instance.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.#ctor(WindowsInput.IInputSimulator,WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator"/> class using the specified <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> for dispatching <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<param name="inputSimulator">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputSimulator"/> that owns this instance.</param>
<param name="messageDispatcher">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> to use for dispatching <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.</param>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">If null is passed as the <paramref name="messageDispatcher"/>.</exception>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.SendSimulatedInput(WindowsInput.Native.INPUT[])">
Sends the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages using the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> instance.
<param name="inputList">The <see cref="T:System.Array"/> of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages to send.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.MoveMouseBy(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Simulates mouse movement by the specified distance measured as a delta from the current mouse location in pixels.
<param name="pixelDeltaX">The distance in pixels to move the mouse horizontally.</param>
<param name="pixelDeltaY">The distance in pixels to move the mouse vertically.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.MoveMouseTo(System.Double,System.Double)">
Simulates mouse movement to the specified location on the primary display device.
<param name="absoluteX">The destination's absolute X-coordinate on the primary display device where 0 is the extreme left hand side of the display device and 65535 is the extreme right hand side of the display device.</param>
<param name="absoluteY">The destination's absolute Y-coordinate on the primary display device where 0 is the top of the display device and 65535 is the bottom of the display device.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.MoveMouseToPositionOnVirtualDesktop(System.Double,System.Double)">
Simulates mouse movement to the specified location on the Virtual Desktop which includes all active displays.
<param name="absoluteX">The destination's absolute X-coordinate on the virtual desktop where 0 is the left hand side of the virtual desktop and 65535 is the extreme right hand side of the virtual desktop.</param>
<param name="absoluteY">The destination's absolute Y-coordinate on the virtual desktop where 0 is the top of the virtual desktop and 65535 is the bottom of the virtual desktop.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.LeftButtonDown">
Simulates a mouse left button down gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.LeftButtonUp">
Simulates a mouse left button up gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.LeftButtonClick">
Simulates a mouse left-click gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.LeftButtonDoubleClick">
Simulates a mouse left button double-click gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.RightButtonDown">
Simulates a mouse right button down gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.RightButtonUp">
Simulates a mouse right button up gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.RightButtonClick">
Simulates a mouse right button click gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.RightButtonDoubleClick">
Simulates a mouse right button double-click gesture.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.XButtonDown(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse X button down gesture.
<param name="buttonId">The button id.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.XButtonUp(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse X button up gesture.
<param name="buttonId">The button id.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.XButtonClick(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse X button click gesture.
<param name="buttonId">The button id.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.XButtonDoubleClick(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse X button double-click gesture.
<param name="buttonId">The button id.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.VerticalScroll(System.Int32)">
Simulates mouse vertical wheel scroll gesture.
<param name="scrollAmountInClicks">The amount to scroll in clicks. A positive value indicates that the wheel was rotated forward, away from the user; a negative value indicates that the wheel was rotated backward, toward the user.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.HorizontalScroll(System.Int32)">
Simulates a mouse horizontal wheel scroll gesture. Supported by Windows Vista and later.
<param name="scrollAmountInClicks">The amount to scroll in clicks. A positive value indicates that the wheel was rotated to the right; a negative value indicates that the wheel was rotated to the left.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.Sleep(System.Int32)">
Sleeps the executing thread to create a pause between simulated inputs.
<param name="millsecondsTimeout">The number of milliseconds to wait.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.Sleep(System.TimeSpan)">
Sleeps the executing thread to create a pause between simulated inputs.
<param name="timeout">The time to wait.</param>
<member name="P:WindowsInput.MouseSimulator.Keyboard">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance for simulating Keyboard input.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> instance.</value>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods">
References all of the Native Windows API methods for the WindowsInput functionality.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.GetAsyncKeyState(System.UInt16)">
The GetAsyncKeyState function determines whether a key is up or down at the time the function is called, and whether the key was pressed after a previous call to GetAsyncKeyState. (See:
<param name="virtualKeyCode">Specifies one of 256 possible virtual-key codes. For more information, see Virtual Key Codes. Windows NT/2000/XP: You can use left- and right-distinguishing constants to specify certain keys. See the Remarks section for further information.</param>
If the function succeeds, the return value specifies whether the key was pressed since the last call to GetAsyncKeyState, and whether the key is currently up or down. If the most significant bit is set, the key is down, and if the least significant bit is set, the key was pressed after the previous call to GetAsyncKeyState. However, you should not rely on this last behavior; for more information, see the Remarks.
Windows NT/2000/XP: The return value is zero for the following cases:
- The current desktop is not the active desktop
- The foreground thread belongs to another process and the desktop does not allow the hook or the journal record.
Windows 95/98/Me: The return value is the global asynchronous key state for each virtual key. The system does not check which thread has the keyboard focus.
Windows 95/98/Me: Windows 95 does not support the left- and right-distinguishing constants. If you call GetAsyncKeyState with these constants, the return value is zero.
The GetAsyncKeyState function works with mouse buttons. However, it checks on the state of the physical mouse buttons, not on the logical mouse buttons that the physical buttons are mapped to. For example, the call GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) always returns the state of the left physical mouse button, regardless of whether it is mapped to the left or right logical mouse button. You can determine the system's current mapping of physical mouse buttons to logical mouse buttons by calling
Copy CodeGetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON) which returns TRUE if the mouse buttons have been swapped.
Although the least significant bit of the return value indicates whether the key has been pressed since the last query, due to the pre-emptive multitasking nature of Windows, another application can call GetAsyncKeyState and receive the "recently pressed" bit instead of your application. The behavior of the least significant bit of the return value is retained strictly for compatibility with 16-bit Windows applications (which are non-preemptive) and should not be relied upon.
You can use the virtual-key code constants VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, and VK_MENU as values for the vKey parameter. This gives the state of the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys without distinguishing between left and right.
Windows NT/2000/XP: You can use the following virtual-key code constants as values for vKey to distinguish between the left and right instances of those keys.
Code Meaning
VK_LSHIFT Left-shift key.
VK_RSHIFT Right-shift key.
VK_LCONTROL Left-control key.
VK_RCONTROL Right-control key.
VK_LMENU Left-menu key.
VK_RMENU Right-menu key.
These left- and right-distinguishing constants are only available when you call the GetKeyboardState, SetKeyboardState, GetAsyncKeyState, GetKeyState, and MapVirtualKey functions.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.GetKeyState(System.UInt16)">
The GetKeyState function retrieves the status of the specified virtual key. The status specifies whether the key is up, down, or toggled (on, off alternating each time the key is pressed). (See:
<param name="virtualKeyCode">
Specifies a virtual key. If the desired virtual key is a letter or digit (A through Z, a through z, or 0 through 9), nVirtKey must be set to the ASCII value of that character. For other keys, it must be a virtual-key code.
If a non-English keyboard layout is used, virtual keys with values in the range ASCII A through Z and 0 through 9 are used to specify most of the character keys. For example, for the German keyboard layout, the virtual key of value ASCII O (0x4F) refers to the "o" key, whereas VK_OEM_1 refers to the "o with umlaut" key.
The return value specifies the status of the specified virtual key, as follows:
If the high-order bit is 1, the key is down; otherwise, it is up.
If the low-order bit is 1, the key is toggled. A key, such as the CAPS LOCK key, is toggled if it is turned on. The key is off and untoggled if the low-order bit is 0. A toggle key's indicator light (if any) on the keyboard will be on when the key is toggled, and off when the key is untoggled.
The key status returned from this function changes as a thread reads key messages from its message queue. The status does not reflect the interrupt-level state associated with the hardware. Use the GetAsyncKeyState function to retrieve that information.
An application calls GetKeyState in response to a keyboard-input message. This function retrieves the state of the key when the input message was generated.
To retrieve state information for all the virtual keys, use the GetKeyboardState function.
An application can use the virtual-key code constants VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, and VK_MENU as values for the nVirtKey parameter. This gives the status of the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys without distinguishing between left and right. An application can also use the following virtual-key code constants as values for nVirtKey to distinguish between the left and right instances of those keys.
These left- and right-distinguishing constants are available to an application only through the GetKeyboardState, SetKeyboardState, GetAsyncKeyState, GetKeyState, and MapVirtualKey functions.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.SendInput(System.UInt32,WindowsInput.Native.INPUT[],System.Int32)">
The SendInput function synthesizes keystrokes, mouse motions, and button clicks.
<param name="numberOfInputs">Number of structures in the Inputs array.</param>
<param name="inputs">Pointer to an array of INPUT structures. Each structure represents an event to be inserted into the keyboard or mouse input stream.</param>
<param name="sizeOfInputStructure">Specifies the size, in bytes, of an INPUT structure. If cbSize is not the size of an INPUT structure, the function fails.</param>
<returns>The function returns the number of events that it successfully inserted into the keyboard or mouse input stream. If the function returns zero, the input was already blocked by another thread. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.Microsoft Windows Vista. This function fails when it is blocked by User Interface Privilege Isolation (UIPI). Note that neither GetLastError nor the return value will indicate the failure was caused by UIPI blocking.</returns>
Microsoft Windows Vista. This function is subject to UIPI. Applications are permitted to inject input only into applications that are at an equal or lesser integrity level.
The SendInput function inserts the events in the INPUT structures serially into the keyboard or mouse input stream. These events are not interspersed with other keyboard or mouse input events inserted either by the user (with the keyboard or mouse) or by calls to keybd_event, mouse_event, or other calls to SendInput.
This function does not reset the keyboard's current state. Any keys that are already pressed when the function is called might interfere with the events that this function generates. To avoid this problem, check the keyboard's state with the GetAsyncKeyState function and correct as necessary.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.GetMessageExtraInfo">
The GetMessageExtraInfo function retrieves the extra message information for the current thread. Extra message information is an application- or driver-defined value associated with the current thread's message queue.
<remarks>To set a thread's extra message information, use the SetMessageExtraInfo function. </remarks>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.HARDWAREINPUT">
The HARDWAREINPUT structure contains information about a simulated message generated by an input device other than a keyboard or mouse. (see:
Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.HARDWAREINPUT.Msg">
Value specifying the message generated by the input hardware.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.HARDWAREINPUT.ParamL">
Specifies the low-order word of the lParam parameter for uMsg.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.HARDWAREINPUT.ParamH">
Specifies the high-order word of the lParam parameter for uMsg.
<member name="T:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor">
The contract for a service that interprets the state of input devices.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsKeyDown(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the specified key is up or down.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the key is down; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsKeyUp(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the specified key is up or down.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the key is up; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsHardwareKeyDown(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the physical key is up or down at the time the function is called regardless of whether the application thread has read the keyboard event from the message pump.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the key is down; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsHardwareKeyUp(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the physical key is up or down at the time the function is called regardless of whether the application thread has read the keyboard event from the message pump.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the key is up; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsTogglingKeyInEffect(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the toggling key is toggled on (in-effect) or not.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the toggling key is toggled on (in-effect); otherwise, <c>false</c>.
<member name="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher">
The contract for a service that dispatches <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages to the appropriate destination.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher.DispatchInput(WindowsInput.Native.INPUT[])">
Dispatches the specified list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages in their specified order.
<param name="inputs">The list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages to be dispatched.</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">If the <paramref name="inputs"/> array is empty.</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If the <paramref name="inputs"/> array is null.</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.Exception">If the any of the commands in the <paramref name="inputs"/> array could not be sent successfully.</exception>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator">
The service contract for a keyboard simulator for the Windows platform.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.KeyDown(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Simulates the key down gesture for the specified key.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.KeyPress(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Simulates the key press gesture for the specified key.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.KeyPress(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode[])">
Simulates a key press for each of the specified key codes in the order they are specified.
<param name="keyCodes"></param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.KeyUp(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Simulates the key up gesture for the specified key.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.ModifiedKeyStroke(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode})">
Simulates a modified keystroke where there are multiple modifiers and multiple keys like CTRL-ALT-K-C where CTRL and ALT are the modifierKeys and K and C are the keys.
The flow is Modifiers KeyDown in order, Keys Press in order, Modifiers KeyUp in reverse order.
<param name="modifierKeyCodes">The list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/>s for the modifier keys.</param>
<param name="keyCodes">The list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/>s for the keys to simulate.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.ModifiedKeyStroke(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode},WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Simulates a modified keystroke where there are multiple modifiers and one key like CTRL-ALT-C where CTRL and ALT are the modifierKeys and C is the key.
The flow is Modifiers KeyDown in order, Key Press, Modifiers KeyUp in reverse order.
<param name="modifierKeyCodes">The list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/>s for the modifier keys.</param>
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.ModifiedKeyStroke(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode})">
Simulates a modified keystroke where there is one modifier and multiple keys like CTRL-K-C where CTRL is the modifierKey and K and C are the keys.
The flow is Modifier KeyDown, Keys Press in order, Modifier KeyUp.
<param name="modifierKey">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the modifier key.</param>
<param name="keyCodes">The list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/>s for the keys to simulate.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.ModifiedKeyStroke(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode,WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Simulates a simple modified keystroke like CTRL-C where CTRL is the modifierKey and C is the key.
The flow is Modifier KeyDown, Key Press, Modifier KeyUp.
<param name="modifierKeyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the modifier key.</param>
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.TextEntry(System.String)">
Simulates uninterrupted text entry via the keyboard.
<param name="text">The text to be simulated.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.TextEntry(System.Char)">
Simulates a single character text entry via the keyboard.
<param name="character">The unicode character to be simulated.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.Sleep(System.Int32)">
Sleeps the executing thread to create a pause between simulated inputs.
<param name="millsecondsTimeout">The number of milliseconds to wait.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.Sleep(System.TimeSpan)">
Sleeps the executing thread to create a pause between simulated inputs.
<param name="timeout">The time to wait.</param>
<member name="P:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator.Mouse">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance for simulating Mouse input.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance.</value>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT">
The INPUT structure is used by SendInput to store information for synthesizing input events such as keystrokes, mouse movement, and mouse clicks. (see:
Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h
This structure contains information identical to that used in the parameter list of the keybd_event or mouse_event function.
Windows 2000/XP: INPUT_KEYBOARD supports nonkeyboard input methods, such as handwriting recognition or voice recognition, as if it were text input by using the KEYEVENTF_UNICODE flag. For more information, see the remarks section of KEYBDINPUT.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT.Type">
Specifies the type of the input event. This member can be one of the following values.
<see cref="F:WindowsInput.Native.InputType.Mouse"/> - The event is a mouse event. Use the mi structure of the union.
<see cref="F:WindowsInput.Native.InputType.Keyboard"/> - The event is a keyboard event. Use the ki structure of the union.
<see cref="F:WindowsInput.Native.InputType.Hardware"/> - Windows 95/98/Me: The event is from input hardware other than a keyboard or mouse. Use the hi structure of the union.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT.Data">
The data structure that contains information about the simulated Mouse, Keyboard or Hardware event.
<member name="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder">
A helper class for building a list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages ready to be sent to the native Windows API.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.InputBuilder._inputList">
The public list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages being built by this instance.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.#ctor">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> class.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.ToArray">
Returns the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages as a <see cref="T:System.Array"/> of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<returns>The <see cref="T:System.Array"/> of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.GetEnumerator">
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1"/> that can be used to iterate through the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.System#Collections#IEnumerable#GetEnumerator">
Returns an enumerator that iterates through the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> object that can be used to iterate through the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.IsExtendedKey(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines if the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> is an ExtendedKey
<param name="keyCode">The key code.</param>
<returns>true if the key code is an extended key; otherwise, false.</returns>
The extended keys consist of the ALT and CTRL keys on the right-hand side of the keyboard; the INS, DEL, HOME, END, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, and arrow keys in the clusters to the left of the numeric keypad; the NUM LOCK key; the BREAK (CTRL+PAUSE) key; the PRINT SCRN key; and the divide (/) and ENTER keys in the numeric keypad.
See Section "Extended-Key Flag"
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddKeyDown(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Adds a key down to the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/>.</param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddKeyUp(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Adds a key up to the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/>.</param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddKeyPress(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Adds a key press to the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages which is equivalent to a key down followed by a key up.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/>.</param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddCharacter(System.Char)">
Adds the character to the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<param name="character">The <see cref="T:System.Char"/> to be added to the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.</param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddCharacters(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Char})">
Adds all of the characters in the specified <see cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1"/> of <see cref="T:System.Char"/>.
<param name="characters">The characters to add.</param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddCharacters(System.String)">
Adds the characters in the specified <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
<param name="characters">The string of <see cref="T:System.Char"/> to add.</param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddRelativeMouseMovement(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Moves the mouse relative to its current position.
<param name="x"></param>
<param name="y"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddAbsoluteMouseMovement(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Move the mouse to an absolute position.
<param name="absoluteX"></param>
<param name="absoluteY"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddAbsoluteMouseMovementOnVirtualDesktop(System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Move the mouse to the absolute position on the virtual desktop.
<param name="absoluteX"></param>
<param name="absoluteY"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseButtonDown(WindowsInput.MouseButton)">
Adds a mouse button down for the specified button.
<param name="button"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseXButtonDown(System.Int32)">
Adds a mouse button down for the specified button.
<param name="xButtonId"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseButtonUp(WindowsInput.MouseButton)">
Adds a mouse button up for the specified button.
<param name="button"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseXButtonUp(System.Int32)">
Adds a mouse button up for the specified button.
<param name="xButtonId"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseButtonClick(WindowsInput.MouseButton)">
Adds a single click of the specified button.
<param name="button"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseXButtonClick(System.Int32)">
Adds a single click of the specified button.
<param name="xButtonId"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseButtonDoubleClick(WindowsInput.MouseButton)">
Adds a double click of the specified button.
<param name="button"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseXButtonDoubleClick(System.Int32)">
Adds a double click of the specified button.
<param name="xButtonId"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseVerticalWheelScroll(System.Int32)">
Scroll the vertical mouse wheel by the specified amount.
<param name="scrollAmount"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.AddMouseHorizontalWheelScroll(System.Int32)">
Scroll the horizontal mouse wheel by the specified amount.
<param name="scrollAmount"></param>
<returns>This <see cref="T:WindowsInput.InputBuilder"/> instance.</returns>
<member name="P:WindowsInput.InputBuilder.Item(System.Int32)">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> at the specified position.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> message at the specified position.</value>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator">
Implements the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IKeyboardSimulator"/> interface by calling the an <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> to simulate Keyboard gestures.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator._messageDispatcher">
The instance of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> to use for dispatching <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.#ctor(WindowsInput.IInputSimulator)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator"/> class using an instance of a <see cref="T:WindowsInput.WindowsInputMessageDispatcher"/> for dispatching <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<param name="inputSimulator">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputSimulator"/> that owns this instance.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.#ctor(WindowsInput.IInputSimulator,WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher)">
Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator"/> class using the specified <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> for dispatching <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.
<param name="inputSimulator">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputSimulator"/> that owns this instance.</param>
<param name="messageDispatcher">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> to use for dispatching <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages.</param>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">If null is passed as the <paramref name="messageDispatcher"/>.</exception>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.SendSimulatedInput(WindowsInput.Native.INPUT[])">
Sends the list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages using the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> instance.
<param name="inputList">The <see cref="T:System.Array"/> of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages to send.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.KeyDown(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Calls the Win32 SendInput method to simulate a KeyDown.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> to press</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.KeyUp(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Calls the Win32 SendInput method to simulate a KeyUp.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> to lift up</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.KeyPress(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Calls the Win32 SendInput method with a KeyDown and KeyUp message in the same input sequence in order to simulate a Key PRESS.
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> to press</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.KeyPress(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode[])">
Simulates a key press for each of the specified key codes in the order they are specified.
<param name="keyCodes"></param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.ModifiedKeyStroke(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode,WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Simulates a simple modified keystroke like CTRL-C where CTRL is the modifierKey and C is the key.
The flow is Modifier KeyDown, Key Press, Modifier KeyUp.
<param name="modifierKeyCode">The modifier key</param>
<param name="keyCode">The key to simulate</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.ModifiedKeyStroke(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode},WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Simulates a modified keystroke where there are multiple modifiers and one key like CTRL-ALT-C where CTRL and ALT are the modifierKeys and C is the key.
The flow is Modifiers KeyDown in order, Key Press, Modifiers KeyUp in reverse order.
<param name="modifierKeyCodes">The list of modifier keys</param>
<param name="keyCode">The key to simulate</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.ModifiedKeyStroke(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode})">
Simulates a modified keystroke where there is one modifier and multiple keys like CTRL-K-C where CTRL is the modifierKey and K and C are the keys.
The flow is Modifier KeyDown, Keys Press in order, Modifier KeyUp.
<param name="modifierKey">The modifier key</param>
<param name="keyCodes">The list of keys to simulate</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.ModifiedKeyStroke(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode})">
Simulates a modified keystroke where there are multiple modifiers and multiple keys like CTRL-ALT-K-C where CTRL and ALT are the modifierKeys and K and C are the keys.
The flow is Modifiers KeyDown in order, Keys Press in order, Modifiers KeyUp in reverse order.
<param name="modifierKeyCodes">The list of modifier keys</param>
<param name="keyCodes">The list of keys to simulate</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.TextEntry(System.String)">
Calls the Win32 SendInput method with a stream of KeyDown and KeyUp messages in order to simulate uninterrupted text entry via the keyboard.
<param name="text">The text to be simulated.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.TextEntry(System.Char)">
Simulates a single character text entry via the keyboard.
<param name="character">The unicode character to be simulated.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.Sleep(System.Int32)">
Sleeps the executing thread to create a pause between simulated inputs.
<param name="millsecondsTimeout">The number of milliseconds to wait.</param>
<member name="M:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.Sleep(System.TimeSpan)">
Sleeps the executing thread to create a pause between simulated inputs.
<param name="timeout">The time to wait.</param>
<member name="P:WindowsInput.KeyboardSimulator.Mouse">
Gets the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance for simulating Mouse input.
<value>The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IMouseSimulator"/> instance.</value>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.InputType">
Specifies the type of the input event. This member can be one of the following values.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.InputType.Mouse">
INPUT_MOUSE = 0x00 (The event is a mouse event. Use the mi structure of the union.)
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.InputType.Keyboard">
INPUT_KEYBOARD = 0x01 (The event is a keyboard event. Use the ki structure of the union.)
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.InputType.Hardware">
INPUT_HARDWARE = 0x02 (Windows 95/98/Me: The event is from input hardware other than a keyboard or mouse. Use the hi structure of the union.)
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.KEYBDINPUT">
The KEYBDINPUT structure contains information about a simulated keyboard event. (see:
Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h
Windows 2000/XP: INPUT_KEYBOARD supports nonkeyboard-input methodssuch as handwriting recognition or voice recognitionas if it were text input by using the KEYEVENTF_UNICODE flag. If KEYEVENTF_UNICODE is specified, SendInput sends a WM_KEYDOWN or WM_KEYUP message to the foreground thread's message queue with wParam equal to VK_PACKET. Once GetMessage or PeekMessage obtains this message, passing the message to TranslateMessage posts a WM_CHAR message with the Unicode character originally specified by wScan. This Unicode character will automatically be converted to the appropriate ANSI value if it is posted to an ANSI window.
Windows 2000/XP: Set the KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE flag to define keyboard input in terms of the scan code. This is useful to simulate a physical keystroke regardless of which keyboard is currently being used. The virtual key value of a key may alter depending on the current keyboard layout or what other keys were pressed, but the scan code will always be the same.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.KEYBDINPUT.KeyCode">
Specifies a virtual-key code. The code must be a value in the range 1 to 254. The Winuser.h header file provides macro definitions (VK_*) for each value. If the dwFlags member specifies KEYEVENTF_UNICODE, wVk must be 0.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.KEYBDINPUT.Scan">
Specifies a hardware scan code for the key. If dwFlags specifies KEYEVENTF_UNICODE, wScan specifies a Unicode character which is to be sent to the foreground application.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.KEYBDINPUT.Flags">
Specifies various aspects of a keystroke. This member can be certain combinations of the following values.
KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY - If specified, the scan code was preceded by a prefix byte that has the value 0xE0 (224).
KEYEVENTF_KEYUP - If specified, the key is being released. If not specified, the key is being pressed.
KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE - If specified, wScan identifies the key and wVk is ignored.
KEYEVENTF_UNICODE - Windows 2000/XP: If specified, the system synthesizes a VK_PACKET keystroke. The wVk parameter must be zero. This flag can only be combined with the KEYEVENTF_KEYUP flag. For more information, see the Remarks section.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.KEYBDINPUT.Time">
Time stamp for the event, in milliseconds. If this parameter is zero, the system will provide its own time stamp.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.KEYBDINPUT.ExtraInfo">
Specifies an additional value associated with the keystroke. Use the GetMessageExtraInfo function to obtain this information.
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.KeyboardFlag">
Specifies various aspects of a keystroke. This member can be certain combinations of the following values.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.KeyboardFlag.ExtendedKey">
KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY = 0x0001 (If specified, the scan code was preceded by a prefix byte that has the value 0xE0 (224).)
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.KeyboardFlag.KeyUp">
KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 0x0002 (If specified, the key is being released. If not specified, the key is being pressed.)
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.KeyboardFlag.Unicode">
KEYEVENTF_UNICODE = 0x0004 (If specified, wScan identifies the key and wVk is ignored.)
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.KeyboardFlag.ScanCode">
KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE = 0x0008 (Windows 2000/XP: If specified, the system synthesizes a VK_PACKET keystroke. The wVk parameter must be zero. This flag can only be combined with the KEYEVENTF_KEYUP flag. For more information, see the Remarks section.)
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag">
The set of MouseFlags for use in the Flags property of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT"/> structure. (See:
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.Move">
Specifies that movement occurred.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.LeftDown">
Specifies that the left button was pressed.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.LeftUp">
Specifies that the left button was released.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.RightDown">
Specifies that the right button was pressed.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.RightUp">
Specifies that the right button was released.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.MiddleDown">
Specifies that the middle button was pressed.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.MiddleUp">
Specifies that the middle button was released.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.XDown">
Windows 2000/XP: Specifies that an X button was pressed.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.XUp">
Windows 2000/XP: Specifies that an X button was released.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.VerticalWheel">
Windows NT/2000/XP: Specifies that the wheel was moved, if the mouse has a wheel. The amount of movement is specified in mouseData.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.HorizontalWheel">
Specifies that the wheel was moved horizontally, if the mouse has a wheel. The amount of movement is specified in mouseData. Windows 2000/XP: Not supported.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.VirtualDesk">
Windows 2000/XP: Maps coordinates to the entire desktop. Must be used with MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MouseFlag.Absolute">
Specifies that the dx and dy members contain normalized absolute coordinates. If the flag is not set, dxand dy contain relative data (the change in position since the last reported position). This flag can be set, or not set, regardless of what kind of mouse or other pointing device, if any, is connected to the system. For further information about relative mouse motion, see the following Remarks section.
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT">
The MOUSEINPUT structure contains information about a simulated mouse event. (see:
Declared in Winuser.h, include Windows.h
If the mouse has moved, indicated by MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE, dx and dy specify information about that movement. The information is specified as absolute or relative integer values.
If MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE value is specified, dx and dy contain normalized absolute coordinates between 0 and 65,535. The event procedure maps these coordinates onto the display surface. Coordinate (0,0) maps onto the upper-left corner of the display surface; coordinate (65535,65535) maps onto the lower-right corner. In a multimonitor system, the coordinates map to the primary monitor.
Windows 2000/XP: If MOUSEEVENTF_VIRTUALDESK is specified, the coordinates map to the entire virtual desktop.
If the MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE value is not specified, dx and dy specify movement relative to the previous mouse event (the last reported position). Positive values mean the mouse moved right (or down); negative values mean the mouse moved left (or up).
Relative mouse motion is subject to the effects of the mouse speed and the two-mouse threshold values. A user sets these three values with the Pointer Speed slider of the Control Panel's Mouse Properties sheet. You can obtain and set these values using the SystemParametersInfo function.
The system applies two tests to the specified relative mouse movement. If the specified distance along either the x or y axis is greater than the first mouse threshold value, and the mouse speed is not zero, the system doubles the distance. If the specified distance along either the x or y axis is greater than the second mouse threshold value, and the mouse speed is equal to two, the system doubles the distance that resulted from applying the first threshold test. It is thus possible for the system to multiply specified relative mouse movement along the x or y axis by up to four times.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT.X">
Specifies the absolute position of the mouse, or the amount of motion since the last mouse event was generated, depending on the value of the dwFlags member. Absolute data is specified as the x coordinate of the mouse; relative data is specified as the number of pixels moved.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT.Y">
Specifies the absolute position of the mouse, or the amount of motion since the last mouse event was generated, depending on the value of the dwFlags member. Absolute data is specified as the y coordinate of the mouse; relative data is specified as the number of pixels moved.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT.MouseData">
If dwFlags contains MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, then mouseData specifies the amount of wheel movement. A positive value indicates that the wheel was rotated forward, away from the user; a negative value indicates that the wheel was rotated backward, toward the user. One wheel click is defined as WHEEL_DELTA, which is 120.
Windows Vista: If dwFlags contains MOUSEEVENTF_HWHEEL, then dwData specifies the amount of wheel movement. A positive value indicates that the wheel was rotated to the right; a negative value indicates that the wheel was rotated to the left. One wheel click is defined as WHEEL_DELTA, which is 120.
Windows 2000/XP: IfdwFlags does not contain MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN, or MOUSEEVENTF_XUP, then mouseData should be zero.
If dwFlags contains MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN or MOUSEEVENTF_XUP, then mouseData specifies which X buttons were pressed or released. This value may be any combination of the following flags.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT.Flags">
A set of bit flags that specify various aspects of mouse motion and button clicks. The bits in this member can be any reasonable combination of the following values.
The bit flags that specify mouse button status are set to indicate changes in status, not ongoing conditions. For example, if the left mouse button is pressed and held down, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN is set when the left button is first pressed, but not for subsequent motions. Similarly, MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP is set only when the button is first released.
You cannot specify both the MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL flag and either MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN or MOUSEEVENTF_XUP flags simultaneously in the dwFlags parameter, because they both require use of the mouseData field.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT.Time">
Time stamp for the event, in milliseconds. If this parameter is 0, the system will provide its own time stamp.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT.ExtraInfo">
Specifies an additional value associated with the mouse event. An application calls GetMessageExtraInfo to obtain this extra information.
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEKEYBDHARDWAREINPUT">
The combined/overlayed structure that includes Mouse, Keyboard and Hardware Input message data (see:
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEKEYBDHARDWAREINPUT.Mouse">
The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT"/> definition.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEKEYBDHARDWAREINPUT.Keyboard">
The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.KEYBDINPUT"/> definition.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEKEYBDHARDWAREINPUT.Hardware">
The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.HARDWAREINPUT"/> definition.
<member name="T:WindowsInput.WindowsInputDeviceStateAdaptor">
An implementation of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputDeviceStateAdaptor"/> for Windows by calling the native <see cref="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.GetKeyState(System.UInt16)"/> and <see cref="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.GetAsyncKeyState(System.UInt16)"/> methods.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.WindowsInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsKeyDown(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the specified key is up or down by calling the GetKeyState function. (See:
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the key is down; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
The key status returned from this function changes as a thread reads key messages from its message queue. The status does not reflect the interrupt-level state associated with the hardware. Use the GetAsyncKeyState function to retrieve that information.
An application calls GetKeyState in response to a keyboard-input message. This function retrieves the state of the key when the input message was generated.
To retrieve state information for all the virtual keys, use the GetKeyboardState function.
An application can use the virtual-key code constants VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, and VK_MENU as values for Bthe nVirtKey parameter. This gives the status of the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys without distinguishing between left and right. An application can also use the following virtual-key code constants as values for nVirtKey to distinguish between the left and right instances of those keys.
These left- and right-distinguishing constants are available to an application only through the GetKeyboardState, SetKeyboardState, GetAsyncKeyState, GetKeyState, and MapVirtualKey functions.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.WindowsInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsKeyUp(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the specified key is up or downby calling the <see cref="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.GetKeyState(System.UInt16)"/> function. (See:
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the key is up; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
The key status returned from this function changes as a thread reads key messages from its message queue. The status does not reflect the interrupt-level state associated with the hardware. Use the GetAsyncKeyState function to retrieve that information.
An application calls GetKeyState in response to a keyboard-input message. This function retrieves the state of the key when the input message was generated.
To retrieve state information for all the virtual keys, use the GetKeyboardState function.
An application can use the virtual-key code constants VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, and VK_MENU as values for Bthe nVirtKey parameter. This gives the status of the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys without distinguishing between left and right. An application can also use the following virtual-key code constants as values for nVirtKey to distinguish between the left and right instances of those keys.
These left- and right-distinguishing constants are available to an application only through the GetKeyboardState, SetKeyboardState, GetAsyncKeyState, GetKeyState, and MapVirtualKey functions.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.WindowsInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsHardwareKeyDown(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the physical key is up or down at the time the function is called regardless of whether the application thread has read the keyboard event from the message pump by calling the <see cref="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.GetAsyncKeyState(System.UInt16)"/> function. (See:
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the key is down; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
The GetAsyncKeyState function works with mouse buttons. However, it checks on the state of the physical mouse buttons, not on the logical mouse buttons that the physical buttons are mapped to. For example, the call GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) always returns the state of the left physical mouse button, regardless of whether it is mapped to the left or right logical mouse button. You can determine the system's current mapping of physical mouse buttons to logical mouse buttons by calling
Copy CodeGetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON) which returns TRUE if the mouse buttons have been swapped.
Although the least significant bit of the return value indicates whether the key has been pressed since the last query, due to the pre-emptive multitasking nature of Windows, another application can call GetAsyncKeyState and receive the "recently pressed" bit instead of your application. The behavior of the least significant bit of the return value is retained strictly for compatibility with 16-bit Windows applications (which are non-preemptive) and should not be relied upon.
You can use the virtual-key code constants VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, and VK_MENU as values for the vKey parameter. This gives the state of the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys without distinguishing between left and right.
Windows NT/2000/XP: You can use the following virtual-key code constants as values for vKey to distinguish between the left and right instances of those keys.
Code Meaning
VK_LSHIFT Left-shift key.
VK_RSHIFT Right-shift key.
VK_LCONTROL Left-control key.
VK_RCONTROL Right-control key.
VK_LMENU Left-menu key.
VK_RMENU Right-menu key.
These left- and right-distinguishing constants are only available when you call the GetKeyboardState, SetKeyboardState, GetAsyncKeyState, GetKeyState, and MapVirtualKey functions.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.WindowsInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsHardwareKeyUp(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the physical key is up or down at the time the function is called regardless of whether the application thread has read the keyboard event from the message pump by calling the <see cref="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.GetAsyncKeyState(System.UInt16)"/> function. (See:
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the key is up; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
The GetAsyncKeyState function works with mouse buttons. However, it checks on the state of the physical mouse buttons, not on the logical mouse buttons that the physical buttons are mapped to. For example, the call GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) always returns the state of the left physical mouse button, regardless of whether it is mapped to the left or right logical mouse button. You can determine the system's current mapping of physical mouse buttons to logical mouse buttons by calling
Copy CodeGetSystemMetrics(SM_SWAPBUTTON) which returns TRUE if the mouse buttons have been swapped.
Although the least significant bit of the return value indicates whether the key has been pressed since the last query, due to the pre-emptive multitasking nature of Windows, another application can call GetAsyncKeyState and receive the "recently pressed" bit instead of your application. The behavior of the least significant bit of the return value is retained strictly for compatibility with 16-bit Windows applications (which are non-preemptive) and should not be relied upon.
You can use the virtual-key code constants VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, and VK_MENU as values for the vKey parameter. This gives the state of the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys without distinguishing between left and right.
Windows NT/2000/XP: You can use the following virtual-key code constants as values for vKey to distinguish between the left and right instances of those keys.
Code Meaning
VK_LSHIFT Left-shift key.
VK_RSHIFT Right-shift key.
VK_LCONTROL Left-control key.
VK_RCONTROL Right-control key.
VK_LMENU Left-menu key.
VK_RMENU Right-menu key.
These left- and right-distinguishing constants are only available when you call the GetKeyboardState, SetKeyboardState, GetAsyncKeyState, GetKeyState, and MapVirtualKey functions.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.WindowsInputDeviceStateAdaptor.IsTogglingKeyInEffect(WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode)">
Determines whether the toggling key is toggled on (in-effect) or not by calling the <see cref="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.GetKeyState(System.UInt16)"/> function. (See:
<param name="keyCode">The <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode"/> for the key.</param>
<c>true</c> if the toggling key is toggled on (in-effect); otherwise, <c>false</c>.
The key status returned from this function changes as a thread reads key messages from its message queue. The status does not reflect the interrupt-level state associated with the hardware. Use the GetAsyncKeyState function to retrieve that information.
An application calls GetKeyState in response to a keyboard-input message. This function retrieves the state of the key when the input message was generated.
To retrieve state information for all the virtual keys, use the GetKeyboardState function.
An application can use the virtual-key code constants VK_SHIFT, VK_CONTROL, and VK_MENU as values for the nVirtKey parameter. This gives the status of the SHIFT, CTRL, or ALT keys without distinguishing between left and right. An application can also use the following virtual-key code constants as values for nVirtKey to distinguish between the left and right instances of those keys.
These left- and right-distinguishing constants are available to an application only through the GetKeyboardState, SetKeyboardState, GetAsyncKeyState, GetKeyState, and MapVirtualKey functions.
<member name="T:WindowsInput.WindowsInputMessageDispatcher">
Implements the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.IInputMessageDispatcher"/> by calling <see cref="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.SendInput(System.UInt32,WindowsInput.Native.INPUT[],System.Int32)"/>.
<member name="M:WindowsInput.WindowsInputMessageDispatcher.DispatchInput(WindowsInput.Native.INPUT[])">
Dispatches the specified list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages in their specified order by issuing a single called to <see cref="M:WindowsInput.Native.NativeMethods.SendInput(System.UInt32,WindowsInput.Native.INPUT[],System.Int32)"/>.
<param name="inputs">The list of <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.INPUT"/> messages to be dispatched.</param>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">If the <paramref name="inputs"/> array is empty.</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">If the <paramref name="inputs"/> array is null.</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.Exception">If the any of the commands in the <paramref name="inputs"/> array could not be sent successfully.</exception>
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode">
The list of VirtualKeyCodes (see:
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LBUTTON">
Left mouse button
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.RBUTTON">
Right mouse button
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.CANCEL">
Control-break processing
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.MBUTTON">
Middle mouse button (three-button mouse) - NOT contiguous with LBUTTON and RBUTTON
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.XBUTTON1">
Windows 2000/XP: X1 mouse button - NOT contiguous with LBUTTON and RBUTTON
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.XBUTTON2">
Windows 2000/XP: X2 mouse button - NOT contiguous with LBUTTON and RBUTTON
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.BACK">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.TAB">
TAB key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.CLEAR">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.RETURN">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.SHIFT">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.CONTROL">
CTRL key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.MENU">
ALT key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.PAUSE">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.CAPITAL">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.KANA">
Input Method Editor (IME) Kana mode
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.HANGEUL">
IME Hanguel mode (maintained for compatibility; use HANGUL)
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.HANGUL">
IME Hangul mode
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.JUNJA">
IME Junja mode
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.FINAL">
IME final mode
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.HANJA">
IME Hanja mode
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.KANJI">
IME Kanji mode
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.ESCAPE">
ESC key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.CONVERT">
IME convert
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NONCONVERT">
IME nonconvert
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.ACCEPT">
IME accept
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.MODECHANGE">
IME mode change request
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.SPACE">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.PRIOR">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NEXT">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.END">
END key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.HOME">
HOME key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LEFT">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.UP">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.RIGHT">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.DOWN">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.SELECT">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.PRINT">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.EXECUTE">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.SNAPSHOT">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.INSERT">
INS key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.DELETE">
DEL key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.HELP">
HELP key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_0">
0 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_1">
1 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_2">
2 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_3">
3 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_4">
4 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_5">
5 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_6">
6 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_7">
7 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_8">
8 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_9">
9 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_A">
A key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_B">
B key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_C">
C key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_D">
D key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_E">
E key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_F">
F key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_G">
G key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_H">
H key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_I">
I key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_J">
J key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_K">
K key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_L">
L key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_M">
M key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_N">
N key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_O">
O key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_P">
P key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_Q">
Q key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_R">
R key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_S">
S key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_T">
T key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_U">
U key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_V">
V key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_W">
W key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_X">
X key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_Y">
Y key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VK_Z">
Z key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LWIN">
Left Windows key (Microsoft Natural keyboard)
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.RWIN">
Right Windows key (Natural keyboard)
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.APPS">
Applications key (Natural keyboard)
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.SLEEP">
Computer Sleep key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD0">
Numeric keypad 0 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD1">
Numeric keypad 1 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD2">
Numeric keypad 2 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD3">
Numeric keypad 3 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD4">
Numeric keypad 4 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD5">
Numeric keypad 5 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD6">
Numeric keypad 6 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD7">
Numeric keypad 7 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD8">
Numeric keypad 8 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMPAD9">
Numeric keypad 9 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.MULTIPLY">
Multiply key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.ADD">
Add key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.SEPARATOR">
Separator key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.SUBTRACT">
Subtract key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.DECIMAL">
Decimal key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.DIVIDE">
Divide key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F1">
F1 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F2">
F2 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F3">
F3 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F4">
F4 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F5">
F5 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F6">
F6 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F7">
F7 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F8">
F8 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F9">
F9 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F10">
F10 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F11">
F11 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F12">
F12 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F13">
F13 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F14">
F14 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F15">
F15 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F16">
F16 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F17">
F17 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F18">
F18 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F19">
F19 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F20">
F20 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F21">
F21 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F22">
F22 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F23">
F23 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.F24">
F24 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NUMLOCK">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.SCROLL">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LSHIFT">
Left SHIFT key - Used only as parameters to GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState()
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.RSHIFT">
Right SHIFT key - Used only as parameters to GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState()
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LCONTROL">
Left CONTROL key - Used only as parameters to GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState()
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.RCONTROL">
Right CONTROL key - Used only as parameters to GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState()
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LMENU">
Left MENU key - Used only as parameters to GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState()
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.RMENU">
Right MENU key - Used only as parameters to GetAsyncKeyState() and GetKeyState()
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.BROWSER_BACK">
Windows 2000/XP: Browser Back key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.BROWSER_FORWARD">
Windows 2000/XP: Browser Forward key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.BROWSER_REFRESH">
Windows 2000/XP: Browser Refresh key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.BROWSER_STOP">
Windows 2000/XP: Browser Stop key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.BROWSER_SEARCH">
Windows 2000/XP: Browser Search key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.BROWSER_FAVORITES">
Windows 2000/XP: Browser Favorites key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.BROWSER_HOME">
Windows 2000/XP: Browser Start and Home key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VOLUME_MUTE">
Windows 2000/XP: Volume Mute key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VOLUME_DOWN">
Windows 2000/XP: Volume Down key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.VOLUME_UP">
Windows 2000/XP: Volume Up key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK">
Windows 2000/XP: Next Track key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.MEDIA_PREV_TRACK">
Windows 2000/XP: Previous Track key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.MEDIA_STOP">
Windows 2000/XP: Stop Media key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE">
Windows 2000/XP: Play/Pause Media key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LAUNCH_MAIL">
Windows 2000/XP: Start Mail key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT">
Windows 2000/XP: Select Media key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LAUNCH_APP1">
Windows 2000/XP: Start Application 1 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.LAUNCH_APP2">
Windows 2000/XP: Start Application 2 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_1">
Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ';:' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_PLUS">
Windows 2000/XP: For any country/region, the '+' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_COMMA">
Windows 2000/XP: For any country/region, the ',' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_MINUS">
Windows 2000/XP: For any country/region, the '-' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_PERIOD">
Windows 2000/XP: For any country/region, the '.' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_2">
Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '/?' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_3">
Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '`~' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_4">
Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '[{' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_5">
Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the '\|' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_6">
Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the ']}' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_7">
Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard. Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the 'single-quote/double-quote' key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_8">
Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_102">
Windows 2000/XP: Either the angle bracket key or the backslash key on the RT 102-key keyboard
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.PROCESSKEY">
Windows 95/98/Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000/XP: IME PROCESS key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.PACKET">
Windows 2000/XP: Used to pass Unicode characters as if they were keystrokes. The PACKET key is the low word of a 32-bit Virtual Key value used for non-keyboard input methods. For more information, see Remark in KEYBDINPUT, SendInput, WM_KEYDOWN, and WM_KEYUP
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.ATTN">
Attn key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.CRSEL">
CrSel key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.EXSEL">
ExSel key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.EREOF">
Erase EOF key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.PLAY">
Play key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.ZOOM">
Zoom key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.NONAME">
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.PA1">
PA1 key
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.VirtualKeyCode.OEM_CLEAR">
Clear key
<member name="T:WindowsInput.Native.XButton">
XButton definitions for use in the MouseData property of the <see cref="T:WindowsInput.Native.MOUSEINPUT"/> structure. (See:
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.XButton.XButton1">
Set if the first X button is pressed or released.
<member name="F:WindowsInput.Native.XButton.XButton2">
Set if the second X button is pressed or released.