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26 3555 d 3 h pfowler /Devices/NITNavComm/ControllerBoard/firmware/ i2cbb - Added function to 'sniff' an i2c address to see if it exists
usbtest - Created utility to test device from terminal
- Added ability for up to 4 displays attached to device
- Rejiggered some USB commands to be more efficient
- Fixed up display board version checking
- Started PRO model features (2 rotary encoder channels)
- Added config dip switch support from display board
- @TODO: Change display board way of getting input data
(i.e. make one i2c command get all the input data)
25 3563 d 5 h pfowler /Devices/NITNavComm/ Added first Front Panel for Laser Cutting - NITNavComm HWV02  
24 3567 d 3 h pfowler /Devices/NITNavComm/DisplayBoard/firmware/ Added support for HW_VERSION 2 (attiny4313)
- Allowed for compilation depending on mcu type
- Added support for dual shaft rotary
- Added support for i2c select (2 bits)
- Added support for config switches (2 bits)
23 3578 d 4 h pfowler /Software/NITPanels/Windows/NITPanels/  
22 3578 d 5 h pfowler /Software/NITPanels/Windows/NITPanels/ NITAudioSelDevice form volcontrol is now working how it should
Selected VolControl device persistant across restarts
A minimum val set for the analog input
21 3578 d 7 h pfowler /Devices/NITAudioSel/firmware/ Added some power saving ideas to TODO  
20 3578 d 7 h pfowler /Devices/NITAudioSel/firmware/ Changed Makefile back to atmega168
Fixed the power led on startup bug
Power led functionality test and working
19 3579 d 4 h pfowler /Software/NITPanels/Windows/NITPanels/ Moving towards a more stable NITAudioSel device
More work on the test interface required
Implementing the power led into fsx required
VolControl interfacing functions work, but requires implementing
18 3579 d 4 h pfowler /Devices/NITAudioSel/firmware/ Updated Makefile as using an AtMega328
NITAudioSel firmware now stable
Fixed buttons, removed unwanted code
VolControl pot & power led now working
Config Switches 1&2 not used
17 3619 d 4 h pfowler /Devices/NITAudioSel/firmware/ Moved 'CommSelect' code to NITPanels->NITAudioSel device  
16 3619 d 7 h pfowler /Software/NITPanels/Windows/ Added initial VolumeControl functions for NITAudioSel
Still need to fix the form and complete the implementation
15 3699 d 8 h pfowler /Software/NITPanels/Windows/NITPanels/ More efficieny optimisations. Display updates wont happen during SimButtons and vice versa.  
14 3700 d 7 h pfowler /Software/NITPanels/Windows/NITPanels/ Changes frequencies now only updated related display board (Doesnt always latch both)
Started some optimisation on the SimButton input. Still a bit to go though
Loop through rotary encoder delta sending all turns to fsx. Monitor and see how it goes
13 3700 d 7 h pfowler /Devices/NITNavComm/DisplayBoard/firmware/lib/ Added missing libs  
12 3700 d 7 h pfowler /Software/NITPanels/Windows/NITPanels/ Flip indicator to show what mhz/khz is currently selected  
11 3700 d 9 h pfowler /Software/NITPanels/Windows/NITPanels/ Much code cleaned up
NITNavComm - support for decimal points added
10 3700 d 9 h pfowler /Devices/NITNavComm/ControllerBoard/firmware/ Decimal point refreshing smarter (update only on change)  
9 3700 d 9 h pfowler /Devices/NITNavComm/ControllerBoard/firmware/ Changed decimal point code - now updates separately from digits
Added eclipse project files
8 3700 d 15 h pfowler /Devices/NITNavComm/ControllerBoard/firmware/ Added code missed during svn migration  
7 3711 d 5 h pfowler /Software/NITPanels/Windows/NITPanels/ Added ability to reassign the device (i.e. Comm1 to Comm2)
Created new class to house custom forms
- ReAssignment form

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