158 |
pfowler |
1 |
param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
2 |
3 |
# open json.net splash page on package install
4 |
# don't open if json.net is installed as a dependency
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
$url = "http://james.newtonking.com/json/install?version=" + $package.Version
9 |
$dte2 = Get-Interface $dte ([EnvDTE80.DTE2])
10 |
11 |
if ($dte2.ActiveWindow.Caption -eq "Package Manager Console")
12 |
13 |
# user is installing from VS NuGet console
14 |
# get reference to the window, the console host and the input history
15 |
# show webpage if "install-package newtonsoft.json" was last input
16 |
17 |
$consoleWindow = $(Get-VSComponentModel).GetService([NuGetConsole.IPowerConsoleWindow])
18 |
19 |
$props = $consoleWindow.GetType().GetProperties([System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance -bor `
20 |
21 |
22 |
$prop = $props | ? { $_.Name -eq "ActiveHostInfo" } | select -first 1
23 |
if ($prop -eq $null) { return }
24 |
25 |
$hostInfo = $prop.GetValue($consoleWindow)
26 |
if ($hostInfo -eq $null) { return }
27 |
28 |
$history = $hostInfo.WpfConsole.InputHistory.History
29 |
30 |
$lastCommand = $history | select -last 1
31 |
32 |
if ($lastCommand)
33 |
34 |
$lastCommand = $lastCommand.Trim().ToLower()
35 |
if ($lastCommand.StartsWith("install-package") -and $lastCommand.Contains("newtonsoft.json"))
36 |
37 |
$dte2.ItemOperations.Navigate($url) | Out-Null
38 |
39 |
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 |
# user is installing from VS NuGet dialog
44 |
# get reference to the window, then smart output console provider
45 |
# show webpage if messages in buffered console contains "installing...newtonsoft.json" in last operation
46 |
47 |
$instanceField = [NuGet.Dialog.PackageManagerWindow].GetField("CurrentInstance", [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Static -bor `
48 |
49 |
50 |
$consoleField = [NuGet.Dialog.PackageManagerWindow].GetField("_smartOutputConsoleProvider", [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance -bor `
51 |
52 |
53 |
if ($instanceField -eq $null -or $consoleField -eq $null) { return }
54 |
55 |
$instance = $instanceField.GetValue($null)
56 |
57 |
if ($instance -eq $null) { return }
58 |
59 |
$consoleProvider = $consoleField.GetValue($instance)
60 |
if ($consoleProvider -eq $null) { return }
61 |
62 |
$console = $consoleProvider.CreateOutputConsole($false)
63 |
64 |
$messagesField = $console.GetType().GetField("_messages", [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Instance -bor `
65 |
66 |
if ($messagesField -eq $null) { return }
67 |
68 |
$messages = $messagesField.GetValue($console)
69 |
if ($messages -eq $null) { return }
70 |
71 |
$operations = $messages -split "=============================="
72 |
73 |
$lastOperation = $operations | select -last 1
74 |
75 |
if ($lastOperation)
76 |
77 |
$lastOperation = $lastOperation.ToLower()
78 |
79 |
$lines = $lastOperation -split "`r`n"
80 |
81 |
$installMatch = $lines | ? { $_.StartsWith("------- installing...newtonsoft.json ") } | select -first 1
82 |
83 |
if ($installMatch)
84 |
85 |
$dte2.ItemOperations.Navigate($url) | Out-Null
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
$pmPane = $dte2.ToolWindows.OutputWindow.OutputWindowPanes.Item("Package Manager")
95 |
96 |
$selection = $pmPane.TextDocument.Selection
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
if ($selection.Text.StartsWith("Installing 'Newtonsoft.Json "))
101 |
102 |
$dte2.ItemOperations.Navigate($url) | Out-Null
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
# stop potential errors from bubbling up
108 |
# worst case the splash page won't open
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 |
# still yolo