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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace nitdcscore {
    public class Panel_AHFS : Panel {

        private mcp23017[] chips;

        public Panel_AHFS(mcp2221 mcp) : base(mcp) {
            chips = new mcp23017[2] { new mcp23017(mcp, 0x20), new mcp23017(mcp, 0x21) };

        public override int Init() {
            this.addControl(new Switch3Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_MASTER_ARM"), 8, 9));   // Train - Safe - Arm
            this.addControl(new Switch3Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_GUNPAC"), 10, 11));     // Gunarm - Safe - Arm
            this.addControl(new Switch3Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_LASER_ARM"), 12, 13));  // Train - Safe - Arm
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_TGP"), 14));            // Off - On
            this.addControl(new Switch3Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_ALT_SCE"), 0, 1));      // Radar  - Delta - Baro
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_HUD_DAYNIGHT"), 2));    // Night - Day
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_HUD_MODE"), 15));       // Stby - Norm
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_CICU"), 3));            // Off - On
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_JTRS"), 4));            // Off - On
            this.addControl(new Switch3Pos(new CommandDCS("AHCP_IFFCC"), 6, 5));        // Off - Test - On
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("HARS_FAST_ERECT"), 7));      // Off - On
            this.addControl(new Potentiometer(new CommandDCS("ALCP_RCVR_LTS"), 0));     // 0x00 - 0xFFFF

            // Fuel System
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_AMPL"), 16));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_BOOST_MAIN_L"), 24));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_BOOST_MAIN_R"), 25));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_BOOST_WING_L"), 26));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_BOOST_WING_R"), 27));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_CROSSFEED"), 28));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_EXT_TANKS_FUS"), 30));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_EXT_TANKS_WING"), 31));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_FD_MAIN_L"), 20, true));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_FD_MAIN_R"), 21, true));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_FD_WING_L"), 18, true));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_FD_WING_R"), 19, true));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_LINE_CHECK"), 17));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_RCVR_LEVER"), 23));
            this.addControl(new Switch2Pos(new CommandDCS("FSCP_TK_GATE"), 29));

            mcp.WriteGpio(3, 0);
            // Enable the mcp23017
            mcp.WriteGpio(3, 1);

            // Set io dir, pullups and rev polarity
            chips[0].SetIODirection(0xff, 0xff);
            chips[0].SetIOPolarity(0xf0, 0xff);
            chips[0].SetIOPullups(0xff, 0xff);

            chips[1].SetIODirection(0xff, 0xff);
            chips[1].SetIOPolarity(0xff, 0xff);
            chips[1].SetIOPullups(0xff, 0xff);

            // Get the initial values
            data.prev = data.buttons;
            data.axis[0].prev = data.axis[0].value;
            data.changed = false;

            return 0;

        public override int Refresh() {

            byte[] bytes;
            int rslt = 0;
            rslt = chips[0].GetIO(out bytes);

            data.buttons = (uint)bytes[0] << 24;
            data.buttons |= (uint)bytes[1] << 16;

            rslt = chips[1].GetIO(out bytes);

            data.buttons |= (uint)bytes[0] << 8;
            data.buttons |= (uint)bytes[1];

            data.axis[0].value = mcp.ReadADC(1);

            if ((data.buttons != data.prev) || (data.axis[0].prev != data.axis[0].value))
                data.changed = true;
                data.changed = false;

            return 1;

        public override int Input() {

            foreach (Control control in this.controls) {
            data.prev = data.buttons;
            data.axis[0].prev = data.axis[0].value;
            data.changed = false;
            return 1;